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Monday, May 27, 2013

The Day and the Lily

When I saw this...
I knew it was going to be a special day.

Call it a sign.  Call it a gift from God.

Either way, the first daylily bloomed today in my garden. 

And it made me smile.

It made me look forward to...something.

And I was right.

It was a sign from God.

A "hello" from heaven.

I got to watch relationships build, a circle tighten, and see a small part of God's carefully laid plan. 

I got to be a part.

Heck, I got to deliver the good news. 

I got to make the calls.  I got to send the e-mail.

I got to say, "YOU are not going to believe this!"

Here's to my friends and here's to possiblity on Memorial Day.

Here's to America, the land of the free.  The home of the brave.

You are free to do this and you are BRAVE to do this.  Go get it, girl!

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