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Monday, September 23, 2013

So You Had Sex...

And then you had kids.  And, guess what?  They are your responsibility.  That’s right.  If you are responsible enough to have sex, you are now responsible for another human life.  What?  You thought it took a village to raise a child?  Silly, of course it does!  But, that doesn’t mean the village is going to raise the child!  Oh, no, they are going to simply offer scaffolding, support, and encouragement. 

You, dear parent, are going to lavish disciplined love on your child.  You are going to teach your child.  You are going to encourage your child to question everything.  You, dear parent, are going to talk to your child (daily)!  You, dear parent, are going to turn off the television, the computer, the phone…and have undistracted conversation with your child.  You are going to buy food, clothing, and shelter for your child.  You are going to teach them to follow rules.  You are going to teach them to love others.  You are going to teach them that life is not fair and the beauty of life lies within the heartache of life.  You are going to ask them to expand their boundaries.  You are going to teach them about the Creator and that no matter what happens He is there.  You are going to teach them to respect others, themselves, and the world. 

You, dear parent, are going to become smarter.  Why?  Because you will be getting a second education.  That’s right.  All the things that you thought were unimportant will become very important as you become your child’s teacher.  They are watching…And because you are responsible…you are teaching responsibility to the future generation.  Rock on, parent, rock on!


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