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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I'm Sassy and Then I Get On My Knees

I wish I wasn't sassy, but I am.  I wish that I always spoke words of goodness and never anything negative, judgmental, or harsh.  Sometimes I say things and immediately regret them.  Am I alone in this?

The good news is when I start having a pity party about my own shortcomings, I am reminded that God still uses me--even when I am broken, no good, rotten, sad, terrible, and sassy! 

If there is any good part to being sassy--it's that I am redeemable and usable.  As I was feeling bad about myself today, God reminded me that he used me last week to let one family know that He was thinking about them.  He does use broken things.

I have a special chair that sits just off my living room.  It is literally MY chair.  I'm not kidding!  It's a chair and a half that someone was throwing out years ago and I salvaged it.  It's plaid and I keep telling myself one day I should get it reupholstered, but I love it so I can't part with it.  It's comfy and I usually sit in it sideways because I get the best view outside the big windows of my sunroom.  No dogs are allowed in my chair.  All my favorite things surround my chair.....okay, books--books---books surround my chair.  This is where I go every morning, first thing.  I sip my coffee in this chair and get ready to tackle the day.   And if I can get work done in this chair, that's where I sit any other time of the day, too.  Like right now as I write this blog--I'm in the chair sideways with my throw over me.  I can look to the right and see God's creation - water, grass, and tall, straight pines with a road running between them.  And if I look to my left, I can see my children bent over their books at the dining room table.  Did I say it's perfect?  It is my special place.  Many tears, prayers, journaling, and reading happen in this chair.

And so it was in my favorite chair that I read a message from a Facebook friend of mine who I have never met in person--only via social media. This friend was requesting me to pray for their family, which I immediately did early one morning last week.

As I started to pray, I felt the Lord nudge me, "Pray on your knees." 

I admit it took me a moment to push myself from my super comfy chair and hit the hard floor, but I did.  I got on my knees and prayed over my friend's request.  I then began work, but later the Lord reminded me about that prayer and prompted me to let my friend know that I had felt the need to pray on my knees. 

These are the times when I don't question God because I know He has a reason and I've seen Him work in this way before.  This was one of those times.  I picked up my phone and let her know.  It wasn't long until she messaged me back and explained that I was the third person the family knew of who had felt the need to not only pray but to pray from their knees.  This touched the family deeply.  And we were able to share a grace bumps, praising God kind of moment together!

Why is that important?  Because it lets me know that God spoke to me in a special way--that I am usable.  It let them know that not only did someone pray because they were asked, but they prayed in a specific way because God asked for the prayer in a specific way.  That family knew without any doubt that God was thinking about them and had asked some of His children to be intentional in their prayer--praying subserviently and with fervor. 

God is so good.  I encourage you--the next time you think of someone--ask yourself if God put them on your mind.  Think on it and pray for them.  Then, go a step further.  Let them know that God put them on your mind.  Let them know the Father was thinking about them.  He always is, but it doesn't hurt to let broken people like me and you have the reminder.  We all need to be reminded that we are loved, that we matter, and that God can overcome our weakness--even sassiness. 

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