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Saturday, June 1, 2013

My Town

I need reminding about some things I love about my town, need to be inspired, need to feel the euphoric love God has given me for...this place...and, mostly, its people...

So, here are some things I am grateful

Robert taking the time to pick up the trash around the city square, the flags he placed around the courthouse, how he took them down every afternoon, only to put them up again the next day...

The repainting of the historic building that is the home of the area athletic store, how it sits on the corner of main street, one of the first things you see...

The beautiful and bright decorations at April's florist and how you can't help but look at them as you drive past Fantasy Cottage...

How my bank and the post office are located right next to each other.  Convenience. 

The library's new parking lot and how easy it makes a visit to check out a book...

The landscaping around the schools and how it says, "we care"...

Hearing people talk about C.L. and what he meant to them and how his gas station was one of the last to offer to pump your gas...

How Tommy always says, "Have a blessed day" after he pumps my gas at the Co-Op and I think, "Yes, I will."

Walking into any one of the banks in town, seeing the smiling faces, and making small talk...just for a moment...

Reading Faye's article in the Tribune...and thinking, "This is fun and this is small town."  And I always smile.

Watching the city maintenance people work and seeing if anyone is leaning on a shovel, so we can joke about how many it takes...because it's fun and harmless...and we really secretly hope someone is leaning on a shovel...

When I tell Joe at the chicken shop that I only want an XL Pepsi and she grins and shakes her head...and I read her shirt...peace, love, and chicken grease...and I smile because you have to.

When I see the antique truck announcing the way to Home Town Treasures and I am thankful for ingenuity and dreams and those who follow their dream.

The vision that someone had when the decision was made to renovate the town depot..and I can't help but be grateful.

The caring and love that a team used to pull back the curtain of time and reveal the upper courtroom with it's beauty and unique style.

Paying a few bucks to enjoy the nature, the water, the cleanliness of our local water parks.

Enjoying the beauty of Diane's she changes the colors of the pillows on the she keeps her yard it always looks just...perfect.

Seeing Mary Helen work in her own yard...weeding...and pulling...and planting...caring...

Hearing people talk about the town's the reservoir was built...where the Confederate hospital this used to be a house...or that used to be a store...

Never waiting long to get out into traffic...

The lazy country roads, the historic churches, the artesian wells, the people...

And realizing that there are still so many that I don't know, what is their story?  Who are they?  Do they know that I care?  Because I do...Here's to my town.  And it's future...and not being discouraged...or dissuaded...but choosing love instead.