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Monday, February 15, 2010

Muhammad Ali

I watched a documentary on Muhammad Ali tonight and as I watched big, bold retired fighters relive the great boxers life, I couldn't help but feel the man's passion, his stamina, his dream for success. Not all of us have that hunger. Not all of us can whip our bodies and minds into submission to accomplish great successes. Many of us have talents that will be only partially used in our lives. I have determined that there are a small few of us who will use our God-given talents to their fullest. Because the truth is that it isn't easy to push ourselves to lose sleep, to break our bodies, to turn off the television, to set aside money, or whatever else may be required of us in order to accomplish our dreams. I pray that at the end of my life I feel satisfied that I used my God-given talents to further His kingdom, to pursue His will, to follow the dreams in my heart.

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