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Monday, September 10, 2007

As I sent out my newsletter last night, I included a romance tip to pray for our husbands this week. I knew I had done this in the past and it had been a well spring of love for me. So, I was encouraging my readers to do the same. Well, as I got ready for work this morning, I never once thought about that prayer I needed to say lifting my husband up. But, as I dropped my 8 month old baby off at her Nay-nay's... God reminded me. As I pulled her from her car seat and into my arms, she leaned into me and I held her standing in the morning that God created--beautiful and slightly cool, just a taste of the possibility of fall in the air--I told her that God had created a beautiful day and then I prayed, "Lord, be with me and Alea and help us to be blessings for you today." Then, my baby said, "Da-Da".Praise God! It hit me quickly as I remembered to pray for our "da-da" and so I did. Thank you, Father, for your wonders and the ways you choose to progress out feet to carry out your will. And thank you for "da-da" and Alea.


Culture Smart said...

“Too many people go through life waiting for things to happen instead of making them happen!”
jkroyce Sasha Azevedo quotes (American Actress, Athlete and Model). You are right we can know blessing in waiting but we can also help make things happen by taking advantage of those free moments we have. Enjoyed your website. You may enjoy my column.
If you have time to read my column, copy and paste:

Be encouraged.

Elisa Mayo said...

Thanks and I will check out your column.... I agree -- power in waiting and power in seizing opportunity!