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Monday, September 16, 2019

Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic - Ara-what?

Before I begin this word today, prayer was in order, "Lord, I know You know what You want me to say.  You are bigger than me.  My purpose is bigger than Me.  I'm just a little gal from Mississippi who has struggled, who deals with heartache, and heartbreak.  I am not a Bible scholar, but I know You speak to me through Your Word.  And I know you have something You need to tell someONE right here today.  So, Lord, I am weak, but You are strong.  I am willing, and You will hold my hand." 

Sometimes I sit in church and not much happens.  But, I work to make it a practice to open my eyes and ears and really pay attention and whisper, "Okay, God, what do You have for me today?"

This past Sunday was one of those days that my heart beat a little quicker, my ears perked up, and I listened intently for the Words of my Father because I knew He had something to say.

Last week was a week of proclaiming victory in the desires of my heart and thanking God for answering those prayers BEFORE I could see the answer.  So, it came as no surprise to me that He had something to say to me during worship on Sunday.

From John 5:1-9, the man lying at the pool of Bethesda became me.  When the preacher said, "How long have you been in your condition waiting?", I felt my Spirit answer--too long.  And when the man told Jesus his excuse, "I have no man to do this thing for me (my words)," I felt myself chuckle because I had said this very thing.  And when Jesus said, "Arise, take up your pallet, and walk," I felt that Jesus had said this to me so many times.

Just get it done.  You know what to do.  How long will you keep dreaming about it?  Planning, scheming, and crying?  Unfortunately, longer than I care to admit.  But, I did make a promise to the Lord that this time I would not stop no matter what.  Gulp.  That's scary to tell God.  


Because, friend, when you plan to take your healing (physical, mental, spiritual, etc.) and push forward in obedience, there is the GREAT possibility that Satan will attack.  He will probably attack where you least expect it and it will probably hurt and you will probably tuck tail and lay back down at the pool of Bethseda, lick your wounds, and start crying out again for someone to put you in the healing waters!  

So, yes, I've done that before, okay, maybe several "befores"--have you?

If you have, the good news is that God is patient and merciful with our fear.  Because He didn't stop with the morning sermon, He went on and preached to me at the evening service, too.  (I know, I know, the preacher will have much fodder with me in the congregation. :-) )

The Word came from Matthew 14:1-12.  Yep, Good ol' Peter stepping out of that boat gung-ho to walk to His Savior....and then, - WAIT - SCREECH - HALT - WHAT WAS I THINKING?  My faith isn't big enough for this after all.  Just kidding, better head back to the boat.  And, yet, THIS was the man that God would use to BUILD HIS CHURCH!  Amen.  

Stand up.  Step out and if you feel like tucking tail and running--just remember, Jesus is right there and He will grab your hand and encourage you.  

Two things you need for this task He has given you:  Faith and Obedience.  Faith and Obedience.  Just like that.  The faith in Him that He can heal you and the Obedience to get up and walk, to step up, step out, and step on!

Satan does NOT have power over you.  When he fires the fiery dart, rebuke him in Jesus' name.  We've got something the Lord needs us to do.  I'm ready, are you?

I believe the man who was healed at Bethesda experienced these fiery darts.  Once healed, he was rebuked by the Jews for carrying his mat.  They fussed at him and told him to put down his mat.  Who do you think you are--you sick person!  Go back and lay down and continue to be sick.  No healing today!  And when Peter stepped out, I believe he faltered because Satan always tempts us with fear -- What?  Look at those waves, Peter.  Listen to that wind!  Are you crazy!  You are going to die!  

Take heart.  Paul tells us, "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. (1 Timothy 1:7)"  Eek.  Did you feel it?  There is power in those Words and did you see it?  It takes DISCIPLINE, i.e. obedience to do the things we are called to do.  The world is telling us one thing, but listen to the Word--it is telling us we were born to see miracles and we were born to testify of them!  I'd love to hear about yours. 

Do you have a prayer request today?  I'd like to pray for you.  Feel free to email me at

And, yeah, by the way, I don't know Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic--the languages of the Bible, but I do know the language of the Lord and I can tell you, He will meet you where you are!  No foreign languages, degrees, or special training required. 

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6

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