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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

If I Kidnapped Jesus

My God is Powerful.  He is a Strong Tower and He is the One who I would like to have a cup of coffee with in the morning.  No---seriously!  Like, I'd like Him to show up and sit beside me in my big chair made for coffee drinking.  We'd talk and I'd ask a lot of questions.  He'd have immeasurable love glowing from His eyes when He looked at me.  He'd tell me some hard things, but He'd answer a lot of hard things, too.  We'd laugh.  We'd cry.  We'd talk and talk and honestly, I'd chain him to my chair and never let him go!  :-)

The truth is as much as I've prayed THAT prayer for Jesus to show up in flesh and speak to me, He never has.  And in my humanness, I think it'd be nice for Him to do that, but I KNOW I'd never want to let Him go and that could be a problem for YOU.  If I kidnapped Jesus in human form, He wouldn't be with you when you needed him.  As Jesus is, He is able to be with me and you and you and you.  He is able to speak with us, too.  No, it's not in the way we would like with him giving us play-by-play instructions like a coach on the sidelines.  But if He did that would we be living our lives? Nope.  If Jesus really forced anything on us, how would we grow?  How would we become the person He needs for us to be to rule in heaven with Him?  

The truth is, we wouldn't.  Go ahead and think about it.  If you told your kids what to do every second of the day, wouldn't they be robots?  Don't you allow them to make decisions--even bad ones--so they can learn.  Sure, you do.  And He does, too.  And He doesn't send us a handwritten note delivered by USPS when we are confused, but He does send us a handwritten note through years and years of His faithful followers--some who martyred themselves to be sure YOU had the Bible sitting in your house today--His handwritten note to you.  Jesus is clear on what we are to do to have a relationship with Him.  "Seek and you shall find.  Knock and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7), "For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened (Luke 11:10), and ""But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you (Luke 6:33)."  

Those are words from Jesus!  These are the words He'd tell us if we were sipping coffee with Him.  

This means we are to open His Word and read it.  I believe every day--all day.  We are to read and pray.  You can't seek a friend by never calling on them.  You don't find a new pair of shoes by not actively looking for them.  Think about it--what have YOU done TODAY to actively seek the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?  

The Word is waiting and it has GREAT power beyond these words I am typing to you.  Hebrews 4:12 tells us, "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

I can testify that this is true.  When I pick up the Word, I am always amazed at the prick of my Spirit, the opening of my eyes, the admonition I receive, the advice I get, the love I feel.  

Thank you, God, for your handwritten note to me, to her, and to him.

I loved your prayer requests.  Send them to me at  I do love praying for you!  How can I pray for you today?

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