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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Where Are The Miracles?

I read the other day that someone was struggling with their faith.  One of their deep questions was, "Where are the miracles?"

I'm taken back by a question like that because I don't understand how a Christian can ask that question.

First, the Bible warns us that there will be times when we look for signs and there are none.  Think of how many years the Jews waited on their miracle----Jesus.  There were hundreds of years of silence and then a baby was born and only a few discerning people knew about the miraculous birth.  The rest missed it amid their judgment of an out-of-wedlock birth.  In fact, many Jews are still unaware their Messiah was born.  Where is the miracle?

And then the baby grew and was just regular Joe for at least thirty-seven years.  Then, He started performing miracles.  People flocked to Him and they killed Him.  Where is the miracle?

He was dead and placed inside the ground.  A rock covered the cave opening and guards were placed.  Three days later He went missing.  A story was spun of His body being stolen.  The media grabbed a hold of it and soon the common people didn't know what to believe.  Sound familiar?  Still looking for that miracle?

He appeared to many, speaking to them.  He promised to send the Great Comforter to them because He was on His way to the Father.  When the Great Comforter came, all Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit.  In fact, each person heard Peter speaking to them in their own language.  Exuberance filled that crowd.  Dust around and find that miracle.

But What About Today?

I'm glad you asked.  First, if you do any amount of reading from God's people, you know that they are writing and proclaiming the miracles of God in their everyday lives.  From people being healed of demons, to clothes that don't wear out, to food that is supplied, to lives that are changed, to bodies that are changed.  Miracles are happening.

And I don't know about you, but God speaks to me and that is always a miracle.  Numerous times I will ponder needing new shoes or clothes and a lady will walk up to me and say, "I was cleaning out my closet and wondered if you'd like to look through it."  Bam, Miracle.

Or what about the time the freezer went out.  I stood in front of it seeing all the lights off, the frozen food inside only hours from being thrown in the trash and I prayed, "Lord, you know we don't have the money right now.  I trust you for this."  I walked away and when I came back through, the lights were on and that freezer ran for years and years after that.  I think I smell a miracle.

When I tucked my healthy baby girl into her toddler bed each night, the Spirit nudged me to pray for her body, "Lord, she looks completely healthy, but I pray that you touch her from the top of her head to the bottom of her feet.  I don't understand it, but Lord I give her to you."  I don't know how many nights I prayed that prayer over a vivacious, healthy baby girl, but it was many.

When the diagnosis came and my baby girl's body was hit with CIDP and the C stood for Chronic which means constantly recurring, I took that long look and we all prayed.  Today, she is free from that bondage to her body.  Come on, God, show me a miracle!  Praise God!

When my mama was so miserable with her home location because it stood for all her years of fighting and struggling, I prayed the Lord would move them closer to us.  It seemed unlikely, but I prayed it anyway and the Lord spoke to me and said it was done.  My mama got her blessing of the home she needed to steady her soul and it's just down the road from me.  Wait, Father, are you listening?  What?  You still perform miracles.

Keep going, Lord!

When the Lord told me stand up for what was right and I did at the risk of losing my job.  I saw no solution in sight and the end seemed to be near, so I stopped in our church, unlocked the door and cried on the altar to the Lord.  I went on my way, but the Lord answered the prayer, the problem at work was ended with an unexpected resignation.  Miracle?

Don't ever think God isn't near.  He is.  He is near to those who are drawing near to Him.  He is not a puppet.  He doesn't take commands from us because He knows our knowledge is too limited.  He can see more than we can and He makes the choice from His perspective.

But, don't ever wonder, "Where are the miracles?"

And Jesus answered and said to them, "Go and report to John what you hear and see:  the blind receive sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.  And blessed is he who keeps from stumbling over Me."  Matthew 11:4-6 NASB


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