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Sunday, October 20, 2019

A Friend Who Sticks Closer Than A Brother

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. 

I admit I used to shudder a little when I would hear that age-old adage.  It scared me and I thought if I didn't hear it, it couldn't happen.  I wanted to close my eyes and ears to losing.  Because in my mind, losing meant never regaining.  But, in God's eyes, losing is always about sacrifice.  And sacrifice always brings restoration in greater things.

The phrase, "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away" has its roots in a book of our Holy Bible that is all about losing everything--the book of Job.

In Job 1:21, Job says, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there.  The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord."

Job makes this statement after he had lost his worldly possessions and his children.  He had been rich one day and destitute the next.  Yet, Job accepted his possessions for what they were--God's--even his children.  Job realized God's authority in his life.  All he had he knew came from God and he readily accepted God's plan for his life.

I've never lost everything, but I have seen my plans changed, moved, and taken away.

This is part of my story.

God put me in a place I enjoyed. It was a job. It was mentally challenging.  It was an important job and I felt like it was a job that mattered.  From the beginning, I felt this nagging that I wanted to do even more in this position.  I shared this with a friend early on, who advised, "You know what will happen if you tell them that.  They'll have you doing everything!"  I couldn't understand why she sounded so negative about it, I liked the idea of doing everything.  I wanted to understand all the ins and outs--the nuances of this business.  I wanted to understand the hard things and easy things.  I wanted to expand this job into a ministry that made a difference for people.

At first, that didn't happen.  I was trapped in small things, but in time as my friend predicted I was doing a lot more things.  I loved it.  I loved learning.  I even found ways to bring my faith into my job.  In a place where God was forbidden, I was able to start ministries that I thought mattered in some small way.  They were not overtly religious, but I felt like they could improve lives and I prayed that the people they touched would feel the hand of God in their lives through those ministries.

The jealousies reared up and planted bitter seeds in the hearts of others.  Those close to me and those not so close.

It's too much, you'll blow one day.  You can't have someone doing so much, you can't do it all.  Why is she doing that?  What business is that of hers?  It's too much.  Who is she?  Who does she think she is?

All this verbiage was whirling around me when the devil was allowed to enter my world.  People I had helped, turned against me.  Their wicked lies tickled ears as they sought to destroy.  Lies, deceit, back-stabbing, and ostracization became the name of the game.

For me, it was shocking.  I was not sitting on the sidelines watching the devil work.  I wasn't reading a book about the devil working.  I was in the middle of this modern-day story and watching first hand as the devil pulled the strings, whispered the commands and real people with flesh and blood followed those commands.

There were moments when I felt very alone...very alone.  I could see the spiritual warfare, but wondered if anyone else had their eyes open to it.  Slowly other eyes were opened, but all those who saw it could do was be baffled by it and talk about it.  No one could stop it.  I became only one target, while my friends became other targets.  I noted the targets were fellow believers.  

There were many different reactions to the devil's schemes.  Some joined the bandwagon wholeheartedly.  Most thinking if the devil won, they'd be on the winning side.  (Shocking, I know, but you shouldn't be shocked---it's a common reaction.)  Others tried to make themselves small and stay out of the way, hoping to save their own skin by fading away.  Others prayed.  Others talked.  Others planned ways to help everyone escape.

I kept my mouth closed and tried not to sway people to take sides.   It didn't feel like the right thing to do.  After all, that was the enemy's tactic.  I prayed that people would see on their own.

Finally, one day one person came to me and said, "I see what's happening.  At first, I didn't.  But, I see how they are forming up against you.  It's not right.  I want you to know that I can't be a part of it."

It was a moment that was a gift from God for me.  I needed those words and I needed to know that someone else saw and understood the evil around us.  And it gave new meaning to the verse, "A man of too many friends comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24)."

This is a story...something that isn't easy to share with all the "I's" in it, but something I feel led to share.  This has been sitting in my blog for weeks....unposted.  Weeks ago, a friend gave me a poem she wrote, her poem spoke to me about choosing to be God's hands and feet.  The poem has laid on my bathroom counter for weeks, a reminder of what God has asked me to do....the untold story.

For weeks, The Lord has pointed me to the books in the Bible on rebuilding the wall and the temple.  In many ways, I see the parallels.  Those set on building, those set on destroying.

This morning, I was led to this verse,

He sent from on high, He took me;
He drew me out of the many waters.
He delivered me from my strong enemy,
And from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me.

Psalm 18:16-19

Praise God!  This hard time was so hard.  Escape seemed impossible.  I yearned daily for the moment when the trial would be over.  I cried out.  I pray I can relate this story for good.

I do not know who this is for, who may be experiencing a similar situation or who may soon enter a trial like this, but for you ONE person, He leads me to write.

Stay tuned as I walk you through my journey.

The Lord has rewarded me according to my righteousness;
According to the cleanness of my hands He has recompensed me.
For I have kept the ways of the Lord,
And have not wickedly departed from my God.
For all His ordinances were before me,
And I did not put away His statutes from me.
I was also blameless with Him,
And I kept myself from iniquity.
Therefore the Lord has recompensed me according to my righteousness.
According to the cleanness of my hands in His eyes.  Psalm 18:20-24

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Happy God Loves You Day

God is so good!  Do you doubt that?  God loves you!  Do you know that?  God works through the prayers of His people.  Do you believe that?  It's not just about you....Screech!  Did I lose you?

Hang on, because this is what God is teaching me this week and I am SO blessed to be learning at my Father's knee.

A few months ago, a stranger called me.  Well, she was practically a stranger to me.  We had probably spoken for a total of 30 minutes in our lifetimes.  We definitely knew of each other, but I had no idea about her family, her day, her life.

This woman had posted about a job opportunity and someone messaged the post to me from Facebook.

Since I was looking, I sent a message to her.

She responded and I felt like she really worked on my behalf to put a good word in for me.  She was so complimentary about me, even though we were really strangers.  Her words of encouragement comforted me.  As I stood on a sidewalk, my cellphone pressed to my ear and heard her words of encouragement about how good I would be for the job, I felt blessed, like the Lord had gone before me.

I didn't get the job.  Closed door.  I moved on, but still felt her words on my heart and knew that God had something bigger planned for that 'meeting'.

Fast forward to last night.  I stood at my kitchen window washing supper dishes.  The Lord brought this woman to my mind.  I was impressed to pray for her.  My Spirit was heavy for her.  I had no idea what to pray, but I prayed for her because I knew the Lord was asking me to.  Then, the Lord brought that job to my mind.  I prayed for that company.  I had no idea why.

Why am I praying for both of them? Has something happened? I wondered, but I obeyed and prayed anyway.  I felt the Spirit moving in my heart and I gave it to God.  There was a need.

The Lord prompted me to message this woman and tell her that I had prayed for her.

Because I am human, I forgot to do it last night, but when I got up this morning, the Lord reminded me again.

I promptly messaged her to let her know that the Lord was thinking about her.


Pause for Praise.


It turns out that this woman needed that prayer.  She was dealing with an issue with the work she and I had talked about all those months ago.  She was stressed.

It's not about me.  That's the Word that I heard.

All those months ago, the Lord knew that she would be here.  He knew that I would pray for her.  He knew that His daughter, this 'stranger' to me in the world would need to know that He--her Father--loved her.  She would need to hear that He saw her.

God is so good.  He loves you so much!  And, no, our life isn't just about us.  We are not the center of the universe and I am so grateful.  Instead, each day I want to be reminded that I am a servant of the King and that He is the center of the universe and I want to serve Him and trust Him and never forget that He loves me, but oh how He loves you, too!

This woman is on my prayer list.  Believer, won't you put her on yours, too?

Monday, October 14, 2019

I Was Miserable

It's interesting how in our lives we have good and bad things all happening at the same time.  For instance, your relationship with your spouse may be kicking, but the people at your job are draining you.  Your finances may be steady, but your health is declining.  Your relationship with the Lord is strong, but your church is closing the doors.

I know I experience this very same thing--the blessings and growings of this life.

For years, the Lord was preparing me to homeschool my children.  I always knew in my heart that it was where I was headed, but I could not see how I would get there.  There were so many obstacles in my way.  There were financial obstacles.  There was convincing my husband.  There was giving up a work-life that I felt comfortable with.  There was removing the nagging doubts.  You don't have the money.  If only you had saved more before you had children.  What if your kids don't get a good education, then you'll be the one to blame!  What if you choose the wrong curriculum?  What if you hate it?  What if your kids hate it?  Everyone will think you are weird.  What if you miss what you are doing?  Who will do your work?  What about your friends and co-workers?  What about your work mission?  What about retirement?  Health insurance?

And, of course, there were the opinions of other people.  What if your kids miss out on friendships?  What about socialization?  Your kids will be weird.  Your kids won't get a good education.  They'll be dumb.  It's not good for kids to be with their mom all the time.  Retirement?  Health insurance?


But, as time wore on and the call of my heart continued, I found that the call was becoming harder and harder to ignore.

The point came when I was miserable!

So many things in my life pointed me to this new adventure.  The Lord used other people to press me out of my work and into my destiny.  He used my own heart to keep prompting me to move forward.  He used other people to encourage me to be brave and take the next step.  It's amazing when I look back at those years, I see myself gradually becoming more and more miserable by not doing what God had called me to do.

In fact, my misery became so overwhelming that I would often feel anxiety take hold of me.  I would literally feel like I could breakdown at any moment.  I started to dislike being around people because I felt like I had to wear the mask that all was well.  After all, I felt like no one understood.  I also began to think maybe ending my life would be better than the misery I was living in.  I mentioned this to my husband when I realized I was becoming depressed.  His answer was not what I wanted to hear.  He told me he refused to listen to me talk like that when I was so blessed.  He was so right, but it was not what I wanted to hear.  I wanted my misery to have some company.  Now, I can laugh and be grateful that he refused to listen to my moaning.  But, at that moment, I felt very alone.  I was at the end of my rope.

I think that old adversary, the devil, realized that I was getting closer to taking the step God had for me and he plagued me one night with the possibility of ending my life.  All of my family had gone and I was alone.  In one moment, the thought came so quickly to my mind that I should pick up the gun by my bed and end it all.  The thought was so real, so electrifying that I immediately called out to Jesus.  I felt an overwhelming urge to hide the gun, but I was absolutely afraid to even touch it.  I was afraid of how convincing that voice was.  So, I turned my back to it and cried, praying, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus."  Peace washed over me and I slept. 

I believe without a doubt that the devil is afraid of what we will do when we are loosed from the bondage of the world---when we turn to follow the Lord's call on our life. I have no doubt that he tries to take us down.  In fact, the Bible says, "Be of sober spirit, be on the alert.  Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8)." 

My misery was heavy on my soul.  I was slogging through life, trying to juggle it all and hold it all together in this area of my life.  Over and over people would ask me how I was.  Over and over they would speak kind words to me about my work, but it was not enough.  I had a mission and I had to choose--misery or mission.

I felt so pressed to jump into my mission that I can scarcely explain it--other than to know the Spirit in me strengthened me and quickened bravery in my heart.  I could see myself taking the step and I knew it was the answer.  The Lord was calling me and I so desired to follow Him, because I love Him.

It was time.

I can't see the full reason for my mission.  I do believe it is partly related to my children, other children, and to other people.  I know it's about the Lord and writing this to YOU, one person.  When I see Jesus face to face, I know I'll see the mission revealed.  And for me that is enough.  It is enough to know that today I am where He has put me.  Today, I am following His command to reveal my life--so personally--to you.  Words are what I have.  It is what He has given me and it is what I give back to Him--for you.  He loves you so much.

Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of man shall give to you, for on Him the Father, even God has set His seal.  (John 6:27)

Saturday, October 5, 2019

When Your No Is Their Yes

No is hard.  I should know.  I've heard lots of no's.  I've experienced rejection and rejection and rejection.

The best thing is that I am getting better at it.  I'm not getting better just because it keeps happening, but I am getting better because I have prayed for God to help me be better.  I have asked the Lord to kill pride in me.  I've asked God to get rid of any seed of malcontent when I think I lose.  I don't want to see my life like that.  I want to be better, purer, and sanctified from malice. I want to always remember the Lord plans all things for my good every time I hear no.  (Romans 8:28)

When you win, I want to genuinely celebrate with you, not harbor jealousy.

When I get told no, I do not want to feel sad or fall into a day of depression.  In fact, I don't even want a moment of depression.

One thing the Lord revealed to me this week is that my no is yes to someone else.  Just like that.  It's that simple.

When you apply for a job and twenty other people apply for it and you get the no, someone else got a yes.  And that person may really have needed the job.  God can see all things and He knows why you were told no.  You may not understand it, but God does.

This week that happened to me.  I received a no for what I thought would be a dream job.  In the first three seconds, tears popped into my eyes and then God told me something.

He brought to my mind a Facebook post I had seen earlier in the week.

It was from a woman whose husband had quit his job.  Their bank account was already overdrawn by $200, the bills were a month behind, and they were caving fast.  Her post was a plea for prayer.

The Lord told me to think of her and think that perhaps she or someone like her got the yes e-mail.

And, that put me where I needed to be.  Praise God!  If she got that yes e-mail, thank you, Jesus!

Who am I to not celebrate with her?  So, I stopped and I prayed for the person who did get that yes e-mail.  I prayed for their situation and their success and I meant it.

I even emailed the company back and told them that I prayed for that because the Lord had a plan.  The Lord has a plan.  Your no maybe a no for today.  But, never forget that it may be the yes that someone deep in the pits of despair has yearned for, fasted for, prayed for!  It may be the rope that pulls them to the Lord and by this, they may be saved.  (Romans 10:1)

Amen to all the times my no became your yes!

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28

Celebrate Me Home

This past week was a banner week!  I mean, I don't even know where to start and I have been thinking about it--even putting off the writing until I could get clear direction.  Alas, even with my fingers moving across the keyboard, I am unsure of how or what to write.  But, for you, ONE person, I am going to type and let the Lord tell His story.

It all began over a week ago.  I heard the Lord say to me, "This by fasting and praying."  Over and over I heard these words in my spirit.

Essentially, I have two things:

One, I have an unanswered prayer.  This is a deep cry of my heart that is years in the making.

Two, I am quickly approaching the date where one of my jobs will have hours cut and I know that I will need to make up the dollars that part of the job represents in my everyday life.  I feel peaceful about this and know that my trust in the Lord is solidified because He did not bring me here to leave me desolate.

So, as I heard His words, I agreed to fasting and praying.

I feel it is very important for YOU that I write this with its timeline because that is the key to this testimony.  In order to do this, I had to go back to text messages and my journal.

Over a week ago, on Wednesday, I wrote in my journal that I had agreed to prayer and fasting.


Prayer and Fasting

I devote myself to prayer and fasting for three days.  I am afraid to write those words because I know how hard it is.  Do I do it over a weekend?  What if I fail?  But I know I'm called to do it.  Help me, Lord, I am weak.  

On Thursday, I received a text message from a friend of mine who asked me to consider some work they needed doing.  They said, "Let's pray for a clear plan."

Amen. I had only one concern here.  Many job opportunities have come my way, but they all require a 9-5 presence in an office, but I know that I am called at this time in my life to be with my children and work remotely.  Period.  I know this!  The Lord has made it clear to me and I wasn't sure that my friend understood this.

By Saturday, I had decided to put my fast off until Monday.  (Yes, I am VERY human and I know weekends are for eating!)  But, watch, how the Lord works even with my flesh!

Now, Sunday will seem like an aside to you, but it is intricately woven into this story and even I am unsure how--other than it is covered in obedience and I know that faith and obedience are required to follow the path the Lord has for us.

So, on Sunday a friend of mine stood in church to sing.  Before she sang, she spoke words that pierced my heart and the Lord broke my heart for her.  I knew she was tired and ready to walk out of this world.  Her song, Celebrate Me Home was the plea of her heart.  The words sang by her beautiful voice still ring in my ears as I type this for YOU:

Celebrate me home!
Celebrate me there
Celebrate me in that land of wonder where nothing can compare
Celebrate me in that place
Celebrate me saved by grace
Don't just sit and weep because I'm gone
Celebrate me Home

While she was singing the Lord showed me a vision.  It was a funeral that I did not want to attend.  I will cloak some of the details for my own self but know that I knew what the Lord was telling me.  In my vision, playing like a movie in my mind, my husband sat beside me in the car as we pulled up to the church.  I told him I couldn't do it and he told me I had to.  I cry right now seeing the vision play out in my mind.  My husband got out of the car and came to my side and looked me in the eye and told me again that I had to do this.  Just like he always does when I think I can't do something, he looks me straight in the eye and pushes me.  So, I walked with him, but I never made it to that grave.  I collapsed in grief, kissing the dirt in my great sadness.  The Lord snapped the vision closed and told me He had something for me to do.

The Lord told me to get up and have the church pray for my friend--right then.  Not later.  Not at home.  Not via text.  Not in private.  Not at the end of service.  Right then.  Get up and interrupt the service and call for prayer.  Now.

I felt such power in my body that when my friend's song ended, I pushed myself up.  I don't know how I made it across the church.  It was as if I was walking with a power that was not my own.  I could only see the back of the preacher, who I knew could call his sheep to prayer.  I touched him and told him we needed to pray right then.  Without hesitation, prayer was called for and as I held my friend, I felt power coursing through my body that caused me to shake.  I have no idea what this prayer meant to the Lord at that moment, but I know that it was the Spirit who led it.  Because, friend, I am an introverted rule-follower.  I have no desire to be seen or stand up and interrupt church, but I did.  I have no desire to be part of a spectacle, but I was.  The Bible tells us to not fear man and the only thing that could have kept me in my seat was the fear of man and I praise God that I made the decision to obey God.  I also pray for my friend and ask you to do the same, ONE person.

Thank you, Jesus!

On Monday, I announced to my children that I would be fasting.  It's nothing fancy.  It's nothing easy either, but it is Biblical.  Through those three days, I was amazed at my strength.  I knew the Lord was doing the hard work for me.  I kept telling the kids I rarely felt hungry.  (Okay, the popping of popcorn on Day 3 might have been a little HARD. :)  My kids keep me humble.)

On the final day of my fast, two things happened.

Earlier, I had applied for what I thought could be a dream job for me.  That morning, I received the email that I was denied.  You'll have to read my blog, When Your No is Their Yes for the details.

It ended in a moment of rejoicing with the Lord.

Then, that evening, after my final meal was fasted my friend texted to say we needed to talk about the job opportunity and we did.  The best thing about the conversation was that my friend--this future employer--understood my call to work remotely and be with my children.  Amen, God does not send us down a path to leave us or forsake us.  (Deuteronomy 31:6, Joshua 1:5, Hebrews 13:5)

And in that moment, the BEST thing was that I got to sit in my living room with my children and my husband and testify to God's goodness.

I also was able to testify to other friends throughout the week when I felt moved by the Spirit to share this story until I could write it down here for you, ONE person.

Oh, and on my #One unanswered prayer, a sweet Sister in Christ told me on Thursday I should pursue this as my career.  Of course, she had no idea that this was my #One.  I laughed as I told her that I had, but God had shut the door and shut the door and shut the door.  She smiled and I knew the Lord spoke to me through her as she said, "It's just not time yet."

I think TobyMac says it best, "Keep walkin' soldier keep movin' on."  (Song: Move)

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

For the Love of Money

It's just money.  We all have it sitting around.  Right?

I know your heart lurched and you shook your head, No.  No way, we don't have extra money.  Not over here.  Look away.

The truth is we do.  We do.  The money to buy a new pair of shoes when we have ten.  The money to pay someone to cook our next meal.  The money to buy more television to be piped into our house.  The money to pay large phone bills--much larger than those we used to have.  The money to go on vacation.  The money to buy a three dollar drink.  The money to buy cars, houses, boats, equipment, toys.

At this age, I look back over my life and think of all the times I had this feeling that I HAD to buy something or my life would not be complete.  No, seriously, I had that feeling.  I had it especially with my kids.  Oh my goodness, they want this latest, greatest gadget--I must get it for them.  They want this latest style shirt--they must have it to look like everyone else.  Crazy stuff that later was either tossed aside, broken, or forgotten.


I admit I've always had a love affair with it.  I like it.  I like when I feel like I have extra.  It feels secure.  I hate it when I don't have extra and am skating by making plans to keep the bank account out of overdraft.

I took the kids out to eat last week.  Of course, they picked the most expensive restaurant we could go to and, of course, I took them.  Later, I looked at the charge in my bank account and shook my head at the extravagance.  Have you ever done that?  I think they call it buyer's remorse.  It's a real thing.

Now, don't get me wrong, I am happy to support people in their endeavors to earn a living.  That's how this barter system works, but sometimes I am faced with the reality that my blessings are meant to do more than provide extravagance for my family.  But are they?

I don't need to be trendy.  I don't need the latest jewelry style.  I don't need shoes just like yours because they look so cute on you.  I don't need to make sure my kids look like your kids.  I don't need to impress you with my money.  Those things are all distractions and they never fill the hole inside of us.  Why?  Because nowhere in the Bible does it instruct us to do any of these things.

Even in 1 ThElisa* it does not say, "Thou shalt buy a box of junk for $50 so each season you can have trendy stuff like sweet Sadie Robertson or Tori Spelling."

Nope.  Not there.  Do you know what it says?  Over and over.  Take care of the orphans and widows.  Love your neighbor.  Care for the poor.  Am I doing this?

Just recently I had the opportunity to give.  I wanted to do it.  However, I admit that my mind went to the long list of things I could do with the money.  I literally checked off all the ways I could spend the money I knew God was asking me to give.  I kept having to remind myself over and over that it was given money.  I finally wrote the check and stuck it in an envelope while I waited for the mailing address, so I would know that I did not turn back.  I wanted to give it and I was going to do it!  I was going to overcome the whispers of Satan to keep it.

I've wasted money and I am sure I will waste it again in my life, but my prayer is that I will be so close to the Lord that I will hear Him and ask Him before I spend my money.  After all, it's His money anyway.

I see us make social media posts selling things like we need money.  I know the jobs we have, the cars we drive, the houses we live in and in my mind I feel a niggle that tells me it isn't right.  You know we all have money.  You know we are wasting money.  You know we should be giving instead of taking. I encourage you to give it away. 

Are you gripped by fear of giving it away?  Don't be.  Over and over the Bible tells us that God takes care of us.

I have literally walked in my closet and said, "God, I really need some new clothes.  I don't have the money, but you know my need."  And I promise someone would come to me and say, "I was going through my closet and thought of you.  Would you take these clothes?"

I have done the same thing with shoes and I haven't done it just one time--I've done it multiple times.  Each time I would pray for this, the Lord would send someone to provide for my need.  Again and again.  The Lord provides.  The Lord Provides.

After all, it is one of His many names....Jehovah Jireh!

*P.S.  You can go digging through your Bible, but there is no 1 ThElisa.  But, if there was it would say things like, 1 ThElisa 1:9, "Thou shall not park in both lanes of a circle drive.  Thou shall not wear leggings with a shirt that doesn't cover your backside.  Thou shall read from a book every day.  Thou shall think a lot about everything!"

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Is Imagination Dying?

When I was a teenager, I dreamed of traveling the world.  I even majored in International Business for a time to be sure this dream came true.  

But, for most of my younger life and then the years following my teenage years, I had a yearning for something simpler.  I thought about becoming a farmer--reading farming and homesteading magazines.  I dreamed of an opportunity to 'live off the land'.  My foray into raising chickens was my first project.  Those fluffy feathered creatures who miraculously provide eggs and enjoy pecking and searching all day provided a nice start to farming.  And I still keep chickens on the property.  In fact, my kids have finally decided they enjoy them and have taken over our latest young flock.

Given the chance, I enjoy long walks in the woods.  After rare events of snow in Mississippi, I have followed the tracks of animals in the woods just to see how far I could go.  I've traipsed through briars, pine thickets, hardwood stands, and meandering paths.  I've waded through streams, creeks, and branches--always fascinated with these small tributaries of water. I enjoy trying to map out the lay of the land in my mind.  Though I admit I am not good at it, it feels like an adventure to me.

Ask any of the children who have spent time with me and they can probably tell you about a woodland adventure or two--maybe one that involved briars they weren't willing to go through.

My imagination has seemed to wane as I grow older.  It was a sad death to me and I yearn for those times when my imagination was sharp and vibrant.  Going outdoors seems to awaken in me that imagination that is often lost in a world of technology.  

I go outside and see things that interest me and spark something deep inside of me.  Today, it was a spider's web across a path where long stems of burnt orange pine straw stuck in the delicate threads.  A warning for me to duck.  There was a dead tree with its trunk gnawed away by bugs or beaver--only a thin piece of trunk tying the tree to the land and preventing it from falling over.  There was the small blue jay feather and a turkey feather--triumphant finds for kids who just studied how feathers work.  The finds allowed for discussing the interesting zipping feature that feathers have and how these birds run their beaks through their feathers to re-zip them.  There was the baby calf ambling behind its mama hoping for a warm drink of milk.  There was the path too filled with briars to traverse, but with a promise made to come back in winter.  Future plans were made for a picnic as the weather cooled.  The kids recalling with fondness picnics of their past and where they had been held.  There were the potato peels from preparing a roast that was fed piece by piece to the goats.  The billy pushing his way to the front to be sure he had more than his share.  

I'm not surprised at my love for nature.  I spent a wonderful childhood in the woods.  My imagination was at times, my only companion.  Both at my parent's home and at the home of my grandparents there was always a spot of land to be explored.  A question to be asked.  An adventure to be had.  It's no wonder that spending a little time outdoors, sparks my imagination again.  

My only regret is that my children aren't as adventurous to go stalking through the woods on their own.  I am often their companion.  However, our homeschool has allowed me to set aside time each day where they are forced outside.  They usually spend this time with their animals.  The other day, I was pleased to see they had fixed a problem with a fence with their own ingenuity.  Maybe imagination isn't dead.  Maybe we all need a little more encouragement to take the time to get outside and explore.  After all, God has given man much knowledge and we can build great things, but the greatest of the things are those that God created in the first six days of creation.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Invest and Save For The Future...Eternity

Through my education, I learned that it was necessary to make good, sound financial decisions.  I learned that you should invest, save money, have a good job, think about your future.  We all know these are supposed no-brainers.

One of the most vivid memories of saving happened to me while I was at college.

I was poor.  I was going to school on God's grace.  I had a minimum wage job and money was tight.  A speaker came to teach one of the student organizations I was involved with and he encouraged us to begin investing as soon as we could.  As part of his speech, he pulled out a $20 bill.  $20!  He looked around the room and said, "I'll give $20 to any student who has a 4.0 GPA."  He grinned as he looked around the room and saw no hands going up. 

In a group like this, I am a total introvert and even though I had a 4.0 GPA, I was hesitant to raise my hand.  One, I felt like it was bragging.  Two, I didn't want to draw attention to myself.  But $20!  So, I raised my hand.  I immediately realized that he was betting no one had the GPA and he'd keep the cool $20, but as promised he handed it over and said, "Be sure you invest this."

I don't specifically know what I did with it, but I'm sure I used it to put gas in my car or buy shampoo.  His words never left me though.  Years and years of working and learning and taking advice always left me with the words that we should plan for our future.  Right now, I could give you a really GOOD talk about planning for your future.  I could wax poetic about investing, saving, working, planning!  I really could.  I'm an accountant, after all.

But, I'll admit to you that I'm in a new place.  I'm looking at planning for the future and seeing that phrase turned on its head.  I'm seeing Jesus and everything He has done for me and I see that planning for the future should be analyzed against the backdrop of eternity.  The hardest thing about planning for the future and NOT doing it under my own power is...trusting God.

Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven.  Matthew 7:21

Yesterday, I was waiting on an email answer that was part of my future.  I expected the email answer to be, "No", but I was hoping I was wrong and a big, fat "yes" would come instead--a miracle.  A minute before I started teaching my last class, I saw my phone post the email.  I didn't have to open the email to see the "No."  

Immediately, I felt anxiety grip my soul and I wanted to cry.  I felt defeated.  I wanted to question God and know why things didn't happen easily, without struggle, and with lots of "Yes's".  I went in to that class.  I taught the class with that dejection hanging around my neck.  

After the class, I picked up my phone and made a call that was on my list of to-do's.  Before the conversation ended, Jackie asked me if I had a prayer request.  I don't know Jackie.  Never met her.  Probably never will.  I managed to tell Jackie to pray about my "No", even though another problem I was having cropped into my mind, but I didn't want to share it with Jackie. (P.S. It was probably the reason the "No" devastated me.)  I expected Jackie would take down my prayer request and we'd hang up.  

And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words..." Romans 8:26

All of a sudden, I hear Jackie praying!  My heart literally breaks in two with gratitude and I begin sobbing!  Seriously Sobbing!  Jackie's prayer opened a direct line from the Father to my heart and tears flowed.  I could hardly mumble a "Thank You" after Jackie finished praying.  But, she knew that her prayer touched me.  She said, "Wow!  The Holy Spirit is moving, isn't He?  I stumbled through that prayer because I wasn't sure I was praying right, but He moved."  And, Jackie, my Sister in the Faith was right.  Jackie didn't know, but God did.  He knew I needed to know that He was watching, that He saw me struggling against living a life of planning for the future versus living a life Planning For The Future in His Kingdom.

and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:27

I know this blog may be lengthy today and may be hard to understand, but YOU, you ONE person, God wants YOU to know that He sees you.  All the wisdom from man may sound sweet and may tickle your ears, but KNOW that this wisdom does NOT come from God.  He has a calling on His people and He calls us to trust Him, rely on Him, and reach OUT--not in.  

When I was in college, I was totally relying on God.  I had no money, but I ended up with a college education because He paid for it.  After that, He provided work and I went about the business of planning for the future.  Now, I feel Him asking me to re-evaluate my trust in me and my trust in Him.  These questions come to my mind:

What does planning for the future look like?  If you are invested in the stock market, what companies are you invested in?  Do you know?  What are you supporting with your money?  Do you have savings that could be helping others?  What if you lost it all tomorrow--what will you have to show when you stand before the Lord?  What good will all we have stored up on earth be in heaven?

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From whence shall my help come?  My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.  He will not allow your foot to slip; He who keeps you will not slumber.  Psalms 121:1-3

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I'm Sassy and Then I Get On My Knees

I wish I wasn't sassy, but I am.  I wish that I always spoke words of goodness and never anything negative, judgmental, or harsh.  Sometimes I say things and immediately regret them.  Am I alone in this?

The good news is when I start having a pity party about my own shortcomings, I am reminded that God still uses me--even when I am broken, no good, rotten, sad, terrible, and sassy! 

If there is any good part to being sassy--it's that I am redeemable and usable.  As I was feeling bad about myself today, God reminded me that he used me last week to let one family know that He was thinking about them.  He does use broken things.

I have a special chair that sits just off my living room.  It is literally MY chair.  I'm not kidding!  It's a chair and a half that someone was throwing out years ago and I salvaged it.  It's plaid and I keep telling myself one day I should get it reupholstered, but I love it so I can't part with it.  It's comfy and I usually sit in it sideways because I get the best view outside the big windows of my sunroom.  No dogs are allowed in my chair.  All my favorite things surround my chair.....okay, books--books---books surround my chair.  This is where I go every morning, first thing.  I sip my coffee in this chair and get ready to tackle the day.   And if I can get work done in this chair, that's where I sit any other time of the day, too.  Like right now as I write this blog--I'm in the chair sideways with my throw over me.  I can look to the right and see God's creation - water, grass, and tall, straight pines with a road running between them.  And if I look to my left, I can see my children bent over their books at the dining room table.  Did I say it's perfect?  It is my special place.  Many tears, prayers, journaling, and reading happen in this chair.

And so it was in my favorite chair that I read a message from a Facebook friend of mine who I have never met in person--only via social media. This friend was requesting me to pray for their family, which I immediately did early one morning last week.

As I started to pray, I felt the Lord nudge me, "Pray on your knees." 

I admit it took me a moment to push myself from my super comfy chair and hit the hard floor, but I did.  I got on my knees and prayed over my friend's request.  I then began work, but later the Lord reminded me about that prayer and prompted me to let my friend know that I had felt the need to pray on my knees. 

These are the times when I don't question God because I know He has a reason and I've seen Him work in this way before.  This was one of those times.  I picked up my phone and let her know.  It wasn't long until she messaged me back and explained that I was the third person the family knew of who had felt the need to not only pray but to pray from their knees.  This touched the family deeply.  And we were able to share a grace bumps, praising God kind of moment together!

Why is that important?  Because it lets me know that God spoke to me in a special way--that I am usable.  It let them know that not only did someone pray because they were asked, but they prayed in a specific way because God asked for the prayer in a specific way.  That family knew without any doubt that God was thinking about them and had asked some of His children to be intentional in their prayer--praying subserviently and with fervor. 

God is so good.  I encourage you--the next time you think of someone--ask yourself if God put them on your mind.  Think on it and pray for them.  Then, go a step further.  Let them know that God put them on your mind.  Let them know the Father was thinking about them.  He always is, but it doesn't hurt to let broken people like me and you have the reminder.  We all need to be reminded that we are loved, that we matter, and that God can overcome our weakness--even sassiness. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

If I Kidnapped Jesus

My God is Powerful.  He is a Strong Tower and He is the One who I would like to have a cup of coffee with in the morning.  No---seriously!  Like, I'd like Him to show up and sit beside me in my big chair made for coffee drinking.  We'd talk and I'd ask a lot of questions.  He'd have immeasurable love glowing from His eyes when He looked at me.  He'd tell me some hard things, but He'd answer a lot of hard things, too.  We'd laugh.  We'd cry.  We'd talk and talk and honestly, I'd chain him to my chair and never let him go!  :-)

The truth is as much as I've prayed THAT prayer for Jesus to show up in flesh and speak to me, He never has.  And in my humanness, I think it'd be nice for Him to do that, but I KNOW I'd never want to let Him go and that could be a problem for YOU.  If I kidnapped Jesus in human form, He wouldn't be with you when you needed him.  As Jesus is, He is able to be with me and you and you and you.  He is able to speak with us, too.  No, it's not in the way we would like with him giving us play-by-play instructions like a coach on the sidelines.  But if He did that would we be living our lives? Nope.  If Jesus really forced anything on us, how would we grow?  How would we become the person He needs for us to be to rule in heaven with Him?  

The truth is, we wouldn't.  Go ahead and think about it.  If you told your kids what to do every second of the day, wouldn't they be robots?  Don't you allow them to make decisions--even bad ones--so they can learn.  Sure, you do.  And He does, too.  And He doesn't send us a handwritten note delivered by USPS when we are confused, but He does send us a handwritten note through years and years of His faithful followers--some who martyred themselves to be sure YOU had the Bible sitting in your house today--His handwritten note to you.  Jesus is clear on what we are to do to have a relationship with Him.  "Seek and you shall find.  Knock and it will be opened to you (Matthew 7:7), "For everyone who asks receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it shall be opened (Luke 11:10), and ""But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you (Luke 6:33)."  

Those are words from Jesus!  These are the words He'd tell us if we were sipping coffee with Him.  

This means we are to open His Word and read it.  I believe every day--all day.  We are to read and pray.  You can't seek a friend by never calling on them.  You don't find a new pair of shoes by not actively looking for them.  Think about it--what have YOU done TODAY to actively seek the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?  

The Word is waiting and it has GREAT power beyond these words I am typing to you.  Hebrews 4:12 tells us, "For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

I can testify that this is true.  When I pick up the Word, I am always amazed at the prick of my Spirit, the opening of my eyes, the admonition I receive, the advice I get, the love I feel.  

Thank you, God, for your handwritten note to me, to her, and to him.

I loved your prayer requests.  Send them to me at  I do love praying for you!  How can I pray for you today?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic - Ara-what?

Before I begin this word today, prayer was in order, "Lord, I know You know what You want me to say.  You are bigger than me.  My purpose is bigger than Me.  I'm just a little gal from Mississippi who has struggled, who deals with heartache, and heartbreak.  I am not a Bible scholar, but I know You speak to me through Your Word.  And I know you have something You need to tell someONE right here today.  So, Lord, I am weak, but You are strong.  I am willing, and You will hold my hand." 

Sometimes I sit in church and not much happens.  But, I work to make it a practice to open my eyes and ears and really pay attention and whisper, "Okay, God, what do You have for me today?"

This past Sunday was one of those days that my heart beat a little quicker, my ears perked up, and I listened intently for the Words of my Father because I knew He had something to say.

Last week was a week of proclaiming victory in the desires of my heart and thanking God for answering those prayers BEFORE I could see the answer.  So, it came as no surprise to me that He had something to say to me during worship on Sunday.

From John 5:1-9, the man lying at the pool of Bethesda became me.  When the preacher said, "How long have you been in your condition waiting?", I felt my Spirit answer--too long.  And when the man told Jesus his excuse, "I have no man to do this thing for me (my words)," I felt myself chuckle because I had said this very thing.  And when Jesus said, "Arise, take up your pallet, and walk," I felt that Jesus had said this to me so many times.

Just get it done.  You know what to do.  How long will you keep dreaming about it?  Planning, scheming, and crying?  Unfortunately, longer than I care to admit.  But, I did make a promise to the Lord that this time I would not stop no matter what.  Gulp.  That's scary to tell God.  


Because, friend, when you plan to take your healing (physical, mental, spiritual, etc.) and push forward in obedience, there is the GREAT possibility that Satan will attack.  He will probably attack where you least expect it and it will probably hurt and you will probably tuck tail and lay back down at the pool of Bethseda, lick your wounds, and start crying out again for someone to put you in the healing waters!  

So, yes, I've done that before, okay, maybe several "befores"--have you?

If you have, the good news is that God is patient and merciful with our fear.  Because He didn't stop with the morning sermon, He went on and preached to me at the evening service, too.  (I know, I know, the preacher will have much fodder with me in the congregation. :-) )

The Word came from Matthew 14:1-12.  Yep, Good ol' Peter stepping out of that boat gung-ho to walk to His Savior....and then, - WAIT - SCREECH - HALT - WHAT WAS I THINKING?  My faith isn't big enough for this after all.  Just kidding, better head back to the boat.  And, yet, THIS was the man that God would use to BUILD HIS CHURCH!  Amen.  

Stand up.  Step out and if you feel like tucking tail and running--just remember, Jesus is right there and He will grab your hand and encourage you.  

Two things you need for this task He has given you:  Faith and Obedience.  Faith and Obedience.  Just like that.  The faith in Him that He can heal you and the Obedience to get up and walk, to step up, step out, and step on!

Satan does NOT have power over you.  When he fires the fiery dart, rebuke him in Jesus' name.  We've got something the Lord needs us to do.  I'm ready, are you?

I believe the man who was healed at Bethesda experienced these fiery darts.  Once healed, he was rebuked by the Jews for carrying his mat.  They fussed at him and told him to put down his mat.  Who do you think you are--you sick person!  Go back and lay down and continue to be sick.  No healing today!  And when Peter stepped out, I believe he faltered because Satan always tempts us with fear -- What?  Look at those waves, Peter.  Listen to that wind!  Are you crazy!  You are going to die!  

Take heart.  Paul tells us, "For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. (1 Timothy 1:7)"  Eek.  Did you feel it?  There is power in those Words and did you see it?  It takes DISCIPLINE, i.e. obedience to do the things we are called to do.  The world is telling us one thing, but listen to the Word--it is telling us we were born to see miracles and we were born to testify of them!  I'd love to hear about yours. 

Do you have a prayer request today?  I'd like to pray for you.  Feel free to email me at

And, yeah, by the way, I don't know Greek, Hebrew, or Aramaic--the languages of the Bible, but I do know the language of the Lord and I can tell you, He will meet you where you are!  No foreign languages, degrees, or special training required. 

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.  Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Satisfying Math and Baby Alligator Bites

My favorite thing about my children is their ability to make me laugh and not take myself so seriously.  Since I am their teacher, nurse, bus driver, and principal I often need their dose of humor to keep me in check.

Yesterday as I stood at the whiteboard in my dining room ready to go over their math work, my son announces, "I didn't do number 3."  I sigh and remind him that not doing it isn't an option, to which his sister pipes up, "Me either."

What?  Both of them didn't do the problem and they were so nonchalant, so I launch into my lecture on why it is important to at least try, but they both assured me they didn't understand the problem.  To solve the problem they had to use two formulas.  So, I dutifully stop lecturing and turn to the whiteboard to begin working the problem when I hear the dreaded question,

"So, when are we ever going to use this stuff in the real world?"

And, trust me, I play it just like a true teacher.  I assure them the problem is useful.  But, they press on,

"Have you ever used this formula before?"

These are the times it'd be nice just to be the bus driver.  Because honestly, I've never used either formula before and I honestly don't think I have ever laid eyes on either formula even through 19 years of schooling.  (Hopefully, the kids aren't reading this.)

Just as I am finishing up the problem, which takes up the whole board, husband comes through.  I am now explaining to the kids how SATISFYING it is to get to the end of a problem and feel the atta-boy from a job well done.  You know kind of like watching Dr. Pimple Popper!  I ask husband, "Don't you agree?"

Husband didn't have to say anything, because one look at the math worked on the board made his eyes get round and the kids giggle.  But, he couldn't stop there, "I'm not sure I've ever seen that mess before!"

Sigh.  I may need to hire a new superintendent for this school.

Of course, this was all after I asked the kids to write about their adaptation class at the zoo last week.  I knew I was in trouble when my daughter's paragraph had a title, "The Day I Was Tortured at the Zoo."  Don't worry, it only got worse.  By the end, she was bemoaning the fact that the alligator she petted simply wasn't large enough to make alligator bites out of!

A joyful heart is good medicine, But, a broken spirit dries up the bones.  Proverbs 17:22

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

David Livingstone - Living a Little Higher

David Livingstone is no longer serving the Lord on this earth.  He was born and died in the 1800s, yet his story reaches out to us even today.  A part of it touched me this week and I want to share it with you, One Reader.

David came from a poor Scottish family and worked to become a physician.  He used his background in medicine to become a missionary to Africa.  Once in Africa, he witnessed to a tribe who did not know the gospel of Jesus.  As he shared his faith with the tribe, they were pleased and asked many questions of David.

The question that broke David's heart came from the chief.  He asked David why it had taken so long for the Word to get to his people? Why had the tribe's forefathers not been told?

As I pondered the chief's questions, I feel like God was asking those questions through the mouth of this chief.  I think David felt the same thing.  He made it his life's work to push further and further into the continent of Africa.  He had a mission--a mission of the Lord.  Because of his great discoveries and exploration for the Queen, he could have come home and retired a wealthy man, but he never stopped working to reach those lost without the light of the Lord.  He would give his life for the Lord and would tell others that he could not consider that he had ever sacrificed anything when he considered Christ's sacrifice for him.

For me, these words resonate today:

Why has it taken so long for you to work for me?  Why has it taken so long for you to put your faith in me?  Why has it taken so long for you to reach out?  Why do you reach out, only to turn back inward? You are full and you hold tight to your fullness.  You have much and you clutch it with both fists.  You speak good words, but your faith lacks; evidenced by your actions.  Where is your faith?  You sit in churches wondering where the people are.  America, I have given you great wealth and it is locked away in retirement, investments, unused clothes, scores of shoes, depreciating vehicles, ruining houses, fleeting entertainment.  You talk a good talk.  You defend yourself with beautiful arguments.  Do you forget my words, "And from everyone who has been given much shall much be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more (Luke 12:48b)?"   Do you remember, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:23)?"  Do you think you are not the rich man?   

Pray for me, One Reader. I am praying for you. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Horses and Obedience and God

My husband has a way with animals.  Of his character, he is good and kind and patient.  He is not quick with his tongue like I am.  He is easy-going and keeps in more than he let's out.  And don't get me wrong, he is a man and like the rest of us, he is imperfect, but I find more good in him than bad.

And just this weekend, I was reminded about patience and giving in and how patient God is with us while I watched my husband work.  I was also reminded that when we choose to allow God to lead us we find safety and peace because He is our Good God.

On Saturday, we needed to load some cows up and re-pasture them.  I enjoy working with the cows, especially with my husband.  He rarely gets upset and we end up laughing if our frustration rises from mule-headed cattle.  I've seen cattle wrangling that looses tempers and tongues, but our cattle wrangling is more calm than chaos.

Because we were moving some cattle, we also brought other cows and our bull back to the home pasture.  This meant our quarter horse, Dollar Bill, would be meeting the red bull for the first time.  Since Dollar Bill has tended to think he is the leader of the cows, we suspected this could cause a problem.  So, when we let the cows out of the trailer in the front pasture, we decided to move Dollar from the front to the back pasture.

Now, I have seen Dollar Bill bring a man to his knees when he tried to load him on a trailer, so I would have definitely just walked him through to the back pasture, but my husband had other plans.  He went up to the horse and took hold of the halter around his face.  Dollar Bill pulled his head up and planted his feet.  My husband spoke kindly to him and Dollar walked with him to the back of the trailer.  Once there, Dollar planted his front feet again and pulled back with his haunches.  My husband spoke kindly to him again and waited.  He pulled the halter gently toward the trailer and Dollar resisted.  My husband patiently waited---gently tugging, gently talking--and waiting.  I stood silently watching because I knew this dance.  There can only be one Master and this was a dance to decide who the Master would be.

A horse weighs over 1,000 pounds--easily 6 times the weight of a man.  He is taller than a man and his front legs can pummel a man.  He has the brute strength to kill man or beast.  He has no reason to obey unless he chooses it or is forced.  Since it isn't my husband's nature to force an animal, he was willing to dance with Dollar and allow him to choose.

It was the moment I saw Dollar give in that both broke my heart and made me rejoice--all at the same time.  I wish I had the most beautiful words to describe it to you, but I only have mine, dear reader, and they are not enough.  But, I will try.

Dollar looked at my husband and bowed his head down.  He pressed his ears forward and in horse language, he said, "You are my Master.  I have fought you, but I find you worthy.  I'll take the steps you want me to take.  I trust you for my good."

My husband turned to look him in the face and ran his hand down the horse's long nose.  He spoke to him kindly and pulled the halter gently.  Dollar stepped forward and loaded in the trailer.  My husband did not leave him, but stayed with him, stepping into the trailer and showing him there was nothing to fear.

And maybe that is what I find so fascinating about our relationship with animals.  We are their masters.  This job was given to us by God.  And just like we are their masters and train them in the way to go, God is our Master.

Today, He gently asks us to follow Him.  He knows the path, even if we are scared of what He is asking us to do.  We have a choice.  We can pull back, set our haunches, dig our heels in, whinny, and buck or we can bow our head to the Master.  We can say, "You are my Master.  I have fought You, but I find You worthy.  I'll take the steps You want me to take.  I trust You for my good."

Ah Lord God!  Behold, Thou hast made the heavens and the earth by Thy great power and by Thine outstretched hand.  Nothing is too difficult for Thee....(Jeremiah 32:17)

Friday, September 6, 2019

God Protects Us

It's hard to imagine all the ways the Lord protects us every day!  I mean we really cannot comprehend it!  I would guess that we only know of a very small amount of the times that the Lord and His angels have intervened on our behalf.  But, I tell you, it is when He allows us to see His protection with our physical eyes that we must rejoice and bring that question to ourself, "Lord, just how many times do you protect me?"

After reading today's blog, I hope you are reminded of this truth.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I shall thank Him.  Psalm 28:7

A friend of mine told me a story this week that prompted this blog.  She was in a time in her life when things were not going well.  She was literally afraid for her life and anxious about her future.  It seemed that all her hopes and dreams were being dashed on the jagged rocks of life and Satan stood over her intent on her destruction.  One night as she lay in her bed, her eyes were drawn toward the foot of her bed.  She saw two men standing there.  One was short with a wide nose.  The other man was tall and slender.  She had her gun within arm's reach, but she did not move.  She lay still on the left side of her bed.  As she looked at them she felt they intended to harm her, but she felt peace come over her.  She watched as they walked from the foot of her bed, down the right side of her bed, never taking their eyes from her.  She felt they wanted to reach out and harm her, but that an invisible barrier prevented them from carrying out the harm they intended.  Instead, they kept walking and vanished through the bedroom wall. My friend was left with the knowledge that no matter what was going on in her life, she was being protected.  Her spiritual eyes had been opened and the Lord had allowed her to glimpse at the warfare being fought on her behalf.  She was protected, shielded by the Father! 

While my friend was awake for her spiritual vision, I had a similar vision, but it was in a dream for me. 

I dreamed I was standing in a city at the opening to a dark, cluttered alley.  I knew I had to walk through the alleyway and that I had no choice but to put one foot in front of the other.  I was very scared.  There were two men standing in the alleyway on the right side and they were jeering at me.  There faces revealed their intent to harm me and their eyes lit up as if they had spotted their prey.  As I walked, their faces suddenly changed.  A pinprick of fear dotted their eyes.  They were still looking toward me, but no longer at me.  Their eyes seemed to be looking beside me and higher than me.  I felt a peace wash over me that I did not understand--even in my dream.  I kept walking as if moved by a power other than my own.  I walked until I was right in front of the men and then kept going right on past them.  I could tell they were not happy about the change of planned events, but I could also tell they were going to do nothing about it.  As I passed them and came to the end of the alleyway, it was revealed to me what they could see, that I could not.  A large monstrosity of an angel stood beside me.  He had walked the alley with me as my shield--a shield that no demon of Satan could dare come against.

I encourage you not to be dumb to spiritual warfare.  One of my favorite stories in the Bible is in 2 Kings 6:8-19.  Here the king of Aram is so angry with Elisha.  Elisha was able to tell the king of Israel what the king of Aram had planned for warring with Israel and spoiled the king of Aram's plan.  In fact, the king of Aram's servant told him, "(Elisha) tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom (2 Kings 6:12)."  That's how good the intel was that Elisha gave to the king of Israel.  This stuff was accurate and it was keeping the Arameans from being successful in war. 

The king of Aram decided to take out Elisha and end the power he had.  He sent his army and chariots to the city where Elisha was staying.  The Bible tells us it was a great army.  When the attendant who was with Elisha saw the army surrounding the city, he was afraid!  (Me, too!)  But, Elisha prayed that the Lord would let the attendant see what he could NOT see with his physical eyes.  Elisha knew the Shield was around him and he wanted to show the man with him.  So, the Lord opened the man's spiritual eyes and do you know what he saw?  Praise God!  He saw the mountains around the city were FULL of horses and chariots of FIRE!  The Arameans were fighting more than one man--they were up against the Kingdom of God.  You don't mess with the Lord's people when the Lord's people are doing the Lord's work!  Amen! 

Elisha knew the Lord was with him.  When the servant was afraid, Elisha said, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them (2 King 6:16)." 

I can't help but get excited when I read those words.  The workers of iniquity may think they have you down.  Satan may send his demons to taunt you.  You may even get afraid.  But, when you do, cry out to the Lord, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus."  Remember the demons know who Jesus is and they tremble! 

I don't know who needed this today.  But, one person, don't give up!  Get up!  Cry out to the Shield, your Lord, God.  He is faithful. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

What Happens When We Put First Things First?

So what happens when you put First Things First and obey the commands of the Lord? A week ago, I shared that the Lord was telling me to do just that.  Now, I was super busy and work was piling up and I felt like how could I possibly write and study when I had so much to do, but I have walked with the Lord long enough to know that when He speaks, I need to listen.

So, I did.  

I like to wake up thirty minutes before I teach my first class.  I usually drink my coffee and scroll through Facebook, maybe read a devotional, but really mostly scroll through Facebook.

On my schedule is to later take time with the Lord and read my devotion, go through my prayer list and write and exercise.

The problem with that is usually only a few of these things get done--definitely not all of those things.  So, when the Lord whispered, "First things first," I knew what He wanted.

He was asking me to put my phone down and open my Bible--not later, but First.  Then, He was asking me not to write later or if I had time, but First, before I did anything else.

So, I did.  And what happened?  The work I had been trying to bulldoze through, all of a sudden got finished.  The accounts balanced.  The number I was diligently searching for in a reconciliation jumped out at me on a page of black-and-white and BAM--beautiful reconciliation!

And, I thanked Him because I knew that when I put things in their proper order, chaos does not ensue, but growth and prosperity order my days.

And that order is all around us.  Currently, we are studying a lot of science in our home school.  I love reading about science and how the Lord made the world and how He fashioned man to question and ponder and think and discover!  And do you know what has happened as scientists have done those things?  They've come across amazing discoveries--that the world is not haphazardly thrown together, that all things have a proper order.  If they didn't, life would not exist on Earth.

That's right, think of it--of the 8 planets we know, only 1 sustains life.  Only 1 has water in a usable form.  The other planets are a mixture of gaseous balls, so hot you would melt, so cold you would freeze, surrounded by violent, hurricane-force winds, infested with lightning, wastelands, the atmosphere so thin water would boil away!  Yet, there is one planet the perfect distance from the sun with water, oxygen, a protective atmosphere, and just the right amount of gravity.  There is one where the elements are just right for creating things.  The atoms line up just so that when scientists were first discovering elements they realized that there was an order to them.  They could be lined up in such a way that any "hole" could be left as an "undiscovered" element and years later that element would be discovered and placed in its spot based on its atomic number (i.e. the number of protons found in the nucleus).  Order.  And there is so much more.  Rivers in the seas that cool the earth and an undiscovered way the earth seems to heal itself.  The tilt of the earth that is just right so we have climates, days, nights, and seasons.  Winters that only last long enough for rebirth, but not too long to kill and destroy.  Summer that only lasts long enough for life, but not too long so there is no rest.  Water cycles, oxygen cycles, carbon dioxide cycles, life cycles!  A moon that creates tides on earth, that moves the water because without moving water, you have DEATH and stagnation.  Just think of it!  It is amazing how perfectly He ordered our world and OUR worlds!  Yours, too!

I'm not claiming to know all things about God's order, but I do know that it isn't easy to do First Things First for me.  I tend to get lazy or busy or nonchalant.  I have to remind myself and He has to remind me more than I'd like to admit, but I do know that He still loves me even when I fail.

He still shows me order and reminds me of His order and rewards me when I get it right.

Genesis 2:4  God made the earth and the heavens.

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Gratitude In Small Ways Creates Gratitude Every Day

I like positive people.  Don't you?

The other day I was waiting at the back of my car for my groceries to be wheeled out of the grocery store and I saw a man I knew to be full of the faith walking across the parking lot.  He was only feet from me, but he didn't see me.  I almost called out to him, but before I could do that he looked down and saw a couple of coins at his feet.  I saw a big smile spread across his face and he bent down to pick up the coins and he said, "WooHee, now that's a blessing!  Blessing!"  I watched him and felt a big smile on my face, too.  I did not call out to him because I didn't want to interrupt that moment he was having with God.  I felt privileged that I had witnessed it from the sidelines.  Here was a man who lived a humble life by America's standards, but who is so filled with love for the Lord that he glows when you see him.  He didn't look at these coins as trash or a nuisance as most of us would, instead he saw the blessing God had given HIM.  His gratitude was in everything!

Later this week, I was refueling my husband's truck since I've borrowed it all week (more on that to follow).  I always get gas at a certain local store where Tommy brings a big smile and pumps my gas for me.  I really like that.  Knowing that I don't normally drive my husband's truck, Tommy asked about why I was in it.  I told him and said, "It's a little bumpy, but it works fine."  To which, Tommy retorted, "Yeah, but you riding fine and with air conditioning, too!"  That made me smile because he was right.  What complaint did I have?  I was cool and taken to every place I needed to go.  Tommy reminded me about gratitude in the small things again.

Now, back to my car.  A week ago, some of my family took me out for my birthday.  As we were traveling back from the restaurant, a deer ran from the side of the road and waylaid my car!  My poor Bessie!

I mean, to fully understand this you may need to know two things about Bessie.  Number One:  Bessie is my car I have had for 12 years and I love her.  Number Two:  The reason I love her is because every morning as we traveled to work and school, my kids and I would pray for Bessie.  That's right, we would pray for Bessie!  In my mind, if my ultimate goal was to come home with my children, then Bessie could not break down.  I needed Bessie to run like a sewing machine and could not be tied down to a car note.  I needed to be financially frugal and I saw Bessie as just one way to help me get to where God was calling me, so I put Bessie in God's hands EVERY DAY.

So, when I heard the very loud thud of the deer hitting the driver's side door of my Bessie, tears sprang to my eyes.  I had just been having a conversation with God in my mind about how He was taking care of me and how grateful I was and then BAM--the deer.  I admit I at first felt dismayed.  I had just been praising the Lord and then this!  Then, my mind immediately turned to gratitude again--gratitude that my family was unharmed in this collision and yes, while Bessie's door was majorly dented, she was fine.  Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and kindness to me.  And my husband called and got a body shop to fix Bessie and I dropped her off and told the insurance company.  And, that's that and I am grateful.

With Bessie in the shop, I borrowed my husband's truck for the three days this week I'd need to leave my home to get some work done for a few of my clients.  It was great.  I thanked God for the truck that was available to me while sweet Bessie was being worked on.  My kids changed Bessie's name to "Bent-sie" for the week and we moved forward.  Until, something happened to my husband's truck.

On my final day to borrow the truck, I stopped at the dollar store to pick up a few items to make a dessert requested by my son.  I went in, got the items, and came out.  I cranked the truck, put my foot on the brake to shift from park to drive and felt the brake give way all the way to the floor.  Now, I'm not very smart when it comes to vehicles.  I really give little thought to how they work or why or how I'm supposed to maintain them.  I have a great mechanic who knows I need extra help and a husband who DEFINITELY knows I need extra help, but when the brake pushed all the way to the floor, I knew something didn't 'feel' right.  (Ha ha!)  So, I pressed the gas and reversed the truck, stepped on the brake again and it gave all the way to the floor.  Okay, Houston we have a problem.  I talked to myself for a moment, because I'm not a fast thinker in these types of situations.  But Self and I decided we needed to pull back into a parking space and call the husband.  After the phone call, I realized the brake line was busted--i.e. NO BRAKES!

No brakes is scary.  And for a moment I thought, "Okay, God, now I've stepped out and everything can't fall apart."  But, then I remembered gratitude, "Thank you, Jesus, that my children are not with me.  Thank you, Jesus, that I was not driving down the road.  Thank you, Jesus, that the brake fluid escaped while I was shopping and was drained so much when I came out that the truck was broke while it sat safely in a parking space.  Thank you, Jesus, that Bessie is fixed today and can be picked up Monday.  Thank you, Jesus, that my husband knows how to fix this.  Thank you, Jesus, that my in-laws have a trailer that will fit this truck and no tow truck expense is needed.  Thank you, Jesus, that my parents have an extra vehicle that could be borrowed if needed.  Thank you, Jesus, that my husband is good and kind and grateful for my safety, too.  Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy and kindness to me.  You are my good God!"

And, that's how I end the week, sitting in my favorite chair with tears spilling down my cheeks, watching out my sun room window as a fall-ish Saturday morning passes by and God declares, "I see you."
