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Monday, July 15, 2019

Crisis of Faith

It's really just three little words and they seem easy enough when you are reading about them or talking about them in a church study group, but to LIVE them brings the words to heart-breaking clarity.  CRISIS.....OF.....FAITH.  It's just that.  It's a literal crisis because...

I quit my job today.

I know what the Lord has called me to do.  It's not the first time I've followed Him and trusted Him.  But, it may be the time I have followed Him when I have the most to lose.

My husband says, "Wait.  He'll provide a way.  If it's hard, it's not His will."

Those words sound nice....and easy.  That way, we really don't have to step out and trust God.  Right?  He provides the answer, we SEE it, and we STEP.  Nice.

But, that's not really the God I know, not the God I read about in the Bible.

He's the God that certainly can provide the answer and allow for you to SEE before you STEP, but He is also the God who asks you to trust blindly.

He told Abraham to sacrifice the thing he loved the most.  Abraham was NOT told it was a test.  He followed blindly, leading his long-promised son up a mountain to slay him.

God told Abraham to leave his HOME and set out to a destination unknown.  He didn't tell Abraham exactly how things would end up.  He just told him to GO.....blindly.

He told Noah to build an ark when there was no rain.  An ark on dry land....a really BIG boat.  Noah could not SEE one drop of rain when he nailed the first or last nail.  All those years stepping out on faith, trusting God, and looking crazy.  And not one drop of rain until there was.

Lord, Jesus, help me in my weakness.  Give me strength and passion and love.  I am not asking to SEE, but I am asking for your comfort.  Make it for your glory so that my lips can testify to Your greatness.

Day 1 - So, I Quit My Job.

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