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Friday, July 19, 2019

God, Is That YOU?

Day #5 - Am I Crazy?  I Quit My Job And I Need Reminding God Speaks and Loves Me

I know the Lord cares about me in an obsessive way.  I mean He thinks about me all the time.  I'm not kidding!  He knows how many hairs are on my head.  God knew me before I was born.  He ordained my steps.  He knows my coming in and going out.  There is nothing that is hidden from Him. 

And He cares about EVERYTHING that affects me:

This week, I gathered my briefcase and a box of bank statements from my bedroom office and walked down the hall to the living room.  I grabbed my car keys and stopped at the front door.  I stepped out, locked the door, and headed to my car.  I opened the back car door and unloaded the box and the briefcase.  I reached for my purse which is always on my shoulder because I put it there every morning when I am standing at the front door.  But, it's not there.  I am so certain that I put my purse on my shoulder when I was standing at the front door that I move the briefcase to be sure I am not covering it up.  No purse.  I look around the car.  I march back up to the front door, unlock it and push my way in.  I look at the hook where I hang my purse--empty.  I think, "Where is my purse?"  I check the couches, chairs, kitchen bar, laundry room, dining room table, bedroom.  Nothing.  I begin to panic.  I need to go and I can't find my purse.  My mind races back through each step on my way out.  Over and over again in detail.  Nothing.

I hear the whisper to stop and pray.  I brush it off and think, "I don't have time.  I need my purse.  Let's go!  Think, think, think." 


But, He is incessant.  He is speaking to me, "Pray and I'll show you." 

I stop in the middle of the living room, "Lord, I know you know right where my purse is.  You can see it.  You know what I've done with it.  Lord, please help me find it.  I need to know where it is and I don't know.  I need you."

"It's in the bedroom beside your bed," He says.

I think, "No, it's not.  I never put it beside my bed."  But, I dutifully decide to check.  (It's God, after all.)

I walk in my bedroom, around the bed, and peek over.  Nope. 

"Move the pillow."

I reach out and move the pillow on the floor.  Purse.

"Thank you, Jesus."


This isn't a funny-made-up story.  This happened.  Why?  Because like I told you, God loves me.  He knew that I had my son bring my purse to my bedroom the night before, but I didn't use it.  He knew that in my carelessness I tossed my reading pillow on top of it.  And He knew I would need him to find my purse because losing my purse could very well have caused a major breakdown on Day #2 of I Quit My Job.

By the way, God loves you, too.  And, yep, He knows all about your hairs, your purses, your movement, and your whole life.  And the best thing is He is very interested in what you are doing today and tomorrow.  So, what are you doing?

You could read these verses:

Luke 12:7, Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13-16, Proverbs 20:24, Psalm 121:8, Hebrews 4:13

You might also want to read:

God loves you!

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