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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ministry 2.0

I've arrived at the day where it's no longer, "I Quit My Job."  The cry of my Spirit is now, "Use me, Lord."  And He does, He opens up the ministry and pours into me the people all around who need to see Jesus.

I will share two stories from this week with you and pray they find their way to your heart:

I ask him, "Do you know Jesus?"

He averts his eyes and says, "Yes, I know him, but I have some problems with it."

I smile willing him to elaborate. 

He continues, "Well, I've seen things, ya know.  The preacher who had an affair with the church secretary and things like that.  It just doesn't seem right."

I nod my head and say, "We're not following people.  We're following Jesus."

And then there are the sweet darlings who tell me a rainbow isn't a half-circle.

I smile and say, "I know.  It's more like an Ark, like Noah's Ark.  Do you know?"

She shakes her little head and says, "I don't know Noah."

I giggle and give her a brief story on Noah.  I explain to her that an Ark (a ta-va) is an enclosed structure that offers us protection, like the boat of Noah or the basket of baby Moses.

You see, both Arks protected and were held in place by God's hands.  They were directed by God's fingers.  They were guided by God's eye.  They landed at the place the Lord ordained--both Noah and baby Moses.

And after the flood was over, I think it is no small miracle that God chose to give us the rainbow, a full circle to represent His promise to us.  A promise that is eternal. A promise to never destroy humanity again, even if we become as evil as the people in Noah's day. 

And it is this promise that pushes me on to realize that God is giving you and me the opportunity of our lives.  He will not destroy us until the end time and we have the opportunity to minister and witness to those we come in contact with every day.  We have the opportunity to lead them to Jesus so He can heal their hearts. 

We have the opportunity to show them they are not following ME or YOU because who do fail, but they are given the choice to follow Jesus, who never fails, who holds and protects.

I pray that we can point them to Jesus while we work to become better and better ourselves because as D. L. Moody said, "Out of 100 people outside the church, one might read the Bible, but 99 will read the Christian."

Let's make our story a story they can read, that even with our imperfections will point them straight to Jesus.

I'm far from perfect.  I'm a sinner.  Every day I fight my carnal nature.  I have trials.  I struggle.  But these are the things that push me closer and closer to God, closer and closer to a relationship with Him, Abba, Father.

Want to read more about full circle rainbows?  I thought you would....

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